5 Factors Affecting the Results of Your Teeth Whitening Procedure

5 Factors Affecting the Results of Your Teeth Whitening Procedure

January 1, 2022

Teeth whitening is a common procedure to brighten your smile. But, several factors influence how white your teeth will become through this process.

Some people are lucky enough to have bright white teeth, but genetics can affect their color. However, your lifestyle also has a large impact – with things like tooth brushing & smoking impacting the shade of your teeth. Drinking coffee, tea, wine, soft drink, and smoking are just some things that can cause discoloration in teeth. Knowing the factors that make your teeth discolored before getting Beverly Hills teeth whitening is vital.

What Factors Affect Teeth Whitening?

The factors that can cause teeth to change their color include:

  • 1. The Natural Color of Teeth

Teeth are naturally white because of the enamel. The enamel is made up of minerals that help protect against tooth decay.

The natural color of teeth can affect teeth whitening because it may include dark spots, cracks, and uneven surfaces. The darker the color of your teeth will determine the strength and success of the whitening procedure.

Your teeth whitening dentist in Beverly Hills will consider the natural color of your teeth when they choose which whitening technique to use.
The purpose of teeth whitening is to remove stains from your teeth. Teeth whitening also removes dental plaque and helps prevent tooth decay.

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  • 2. Food Consumption

Eating certain foods can change the color of your teeth. This is because food and drinks contain chemicals and nutrients that can stain and darken the teeth over time.

Different kinds of food will cause the teeth to be stained in different colors due to their chemical makeup. Some foods such as coffee, berries, beetroot, turmeric, wine, and tea will create a brownish-yellow tint on the tooth enamel, while other food such as chocolate milk or red wine will result in a reddish-brown stain on the teeth enamel.

Some people have a genetic predisposition for their teeth to become darker with age, while others may have a sensitivity to certain chemicals found in some foods or beverages

  • 3. Lifestyle

Lifestyle factors are the primary determinant of the color of your teeth.
People who drink coffee, tea, or wine have a yellowish hue to their teeth. Or people who smoke cigarettes or use tobacco can have a brownish color to their teeth. This is because the chemicals in these substances affect tooth enamel and cause it to darken over time.

It would help if you tried to maintain a good lifestyle to maintain the natural whiteness of your teeth.

The following are some of how you can maintain the whitening results:

  • Avoid intake of foods that may contain high concentrations of sugars, such as sodas, candies, and cookies.
  • Avoid coffee and other beverages that contain high concentrations of sugar.
  • Eating healthy foods like fruits and vegetables that are good for oral hygiene.
  • Maintaining a regular brushing schedule with toothpaste containing fluoride.
  • 4. Poor Oral Hygiene

When it comes to the color of your teeth, the outside is as important as the inside.
Poor oral hygiene can affect the color of your teeth both on the inside and on the outside. Neglecting to brush, floss, and rinse with mouthwash can lead to tooth discoloration, cavities, plaque buildup, and an odor. When you have cavities or plaque buildup, bacteria can get into your teeth’ enamel layer, which will cause discoloration over time. But if you have bad oral hygiene habits, you may notice your teeth getting darker much more quickly.

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  • 5. Duration of Teeth Whitening Treatment

The duration of the teeth whitening procedure is related to the level of whitening. A short treatment will lighten teeth by a few shades. However, a long treatment can lighten them by 10-15 shades.

The duration of the teeth whitening procedure affects how much your teeth will be visually lighter right after treatment, usually for about four months following completion.

The type of teeth whitening procedure will also affect your whitening results. It is most recommended to get teeth whitening in-office procedures because it offers better results.

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Visit Implant Dentistry by Doc Rok nearby your West Hollywood or Culver City location for more information about teeth whitening procedures and what you can expect.

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