Gemas dentales/eliminación

Tooth Gems in Beverly Hills, CA

Are you looking for a new way to brighten your smile? While many cosmetic procedures can change the appearance of your teeth, you may be interested in something a little more modern and unique. Dental gems near you are a great way to enhance your smile.

At Implant Dentistry by Doc Rok, we offer Doc Rok approved, safe and lead-free dental gems. To learn more about dental gems in Beverly Hills, CA, give us a call today.

What are tooth gems?

Dental gems are small gems or jewels designed to be attached to the teeth. The gems can be placed in the center of your tooth. Jewel caps to place over teeth are also available. Dental jewelry makes your smile a little more interesting.

How do tooth gems work?

To make the tooth gems stick to your teeth, a tooth gem adhesive is used. It is the same type of adhesive that is used when braces are placed on the teeth. After a gem is placed in the teeth, ultraviolet light is used to cure it.

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When it’s time to remove the gem from your tooth, our dentist near you will remove it and then polish your tooth. It will remove the excess adhesive.

El proceso de obtención de gemas dentales es indoloro y no requiere adormecimiento o perforación. Las gemas dentales duran entre 6 y 24 meses.

¿Las gemas dentales están disponibles para todos?

Si bien las gemas dentales son seguras, algunas personas deben obtenerlas y otras no. Se recomienda que los niños menores de 12 años no reciban gemas dentales.

Si actualmente está recibiendo un tratamiento de ortodoncia, se recomienda que espere hasta que se complete el tratamiento. Si tiene coronas o dentadura postiza, las gemas dentales no se pueden colocar en sus dientes. Solo se colocan en los dientes naturales.

Si tiene problemas dentales o caries, abordaremos esos problemas antes de colocar las gemas dentales en sus dientes.

You can talk to our dentist to learn more about dental gems and the process of getting them at Implant Dentistry by Doc Rok. Dr. Vivian Roknian is happy to help with his dental needs.

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